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UNE Dirty Area Validation / Reconcile Behaviour

03-29-2022 03:10 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello Utility Network Questions,


I would like confirm what the expected behaviour is for Dirty Areas in a versioned Utility Network Service when reconciling versions. We want to make sure that our workflow is correctly handling this.


Editing Scenario:

  1. The user edits a child version of parent (default). They add a new structure line feature.
  2. This generates a dirty area in the branch version.
  3. The user validates the edit, and the dirty area is cleared.
  4. The edit passes QA checks and now will be reconciled and posted to the parent (default).


What is the expected behaviour when the user reconciles their child version with default?


What we are seeing on reconciling to default:

  • After reconcile, the previously validated area returns as a new dirty area in the child version the user is editing in.
  • If the reconciled version is then posted to default - The default version and the child version now both have a dirty area in the location of the edit.


Is this the expected behaviour? If so… Is the only way to prevent the dirty area reappearing in child version to go and revalidate the area in default and then reconcile again?


From the documentation of Topology validation I have found the below diagram. Is this matching the scenario I have described above?




Thanks for your help in clearing up my confusion!

2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hey Jonathan,

Yes, that is expected behavior.  See my idea I just posted:

We encourage our editors to ignore it and wait for the nightly validate/ rec/ post script to run.

Frequent Contributor

Here is a "Workflow example" Validate a network topology—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation.  Certainly not obvious and far from ideal.  

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