Hi everybody,
I just wonder if there is any way or any tool which helps me to create ServiceLines (Laterals) automatically within my UtilityNetwork. As fas as I remember, there was such a Tool in the previous Geometric Network fo ArcMap.
Some ideas about how to do it?
Thanks in advance!
We have played around doing this in Arcade and an attribute rule.
Here is the code if you want to try it out.
function find_closest_line() {
var line_class = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "line", ["objectid"], true);
//var candidates = Intersects(line_class, Buffer($feature, 500, "miles"));
var candidates = line_class;
var shortest = [1e10, null];
for (var line in candidates) {
var d = Distance($feature, line)
if (d < shortest[0]) shortest = [d, line]
return shortest[-1]
function point_and_distance(point_feature, other_feature) {
finds the closest point from point_feature to other_feature
point_feature: Point Geometry
other_feature: Point/Line/Polygon Geometry
Returns: dictionary
{distance: number, // distance from point_feature to closest point
point: geometry, // the coordinate pair of the closest point
isVertex: bool} // if the closest point is a vertex of other_feature
var point_feature = Geometry(point_feature);
var other_feature = Geometry(other_feature);
var shape = TypeOf(other_feature);
var vertices;
if (shape == 'Point') {
return {"distance": Distance(point_feature, other_feature),
"coordinates": [other_feature["x"], other_feature["y"]],
"isVertex": true}
else if (shape == 'Multipoint') {
var points = other_feature["points"];
var shortest = [1e10, null];
for (var i in points) {
var p = points[i]
var dist = Distance(point_feature, p);
if (dist < shortest[0]) shortest = [dist, [p["x"], p["y"]]]
return {"distance": shortest[0],
"coordinates": shortest[1],
"isVertex": true}
else if (shape == 'Polyline') vertices = other_feature["paths"]
else if (shape == 'Polygon') vertices = other_feature["rings"]
else return null
var x = point_feature["x"];
var y = point_feature["y"];
// Loop through each part of the geometry and each segment, tracking the shortest distance
var shortest = [1e10];
for (var i in vertices) {
var part = vertices[i];
var previous = part[0];
for (var j = 1; j < Count(part); j++) {
var current = part[j];
var result = pDistance(x, y, previous["x"], previous["y"], current["x"], current["y"]);
if (result[0] < shortest[0]) shortest = result
previous = current;
// Couldn't find anything
if (Count(shortest) == 1) return null
return {"distance": shortest[0],
"coordinates": shortest[1],
"isVertex": shortest[2]}
function pDistance(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
// adopted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/6853926
var A = x - x1;
var B = y - y1;
var C = x2 - x1;
var D = y2 - y1;
var dot = A * C + B * D;
var len_sq = C * C + D * D;
var param = -1;
if (len_sq != 0) //in case of 0 length line
param = dot / len_sq;
var xx, yy;
var is_vertex = true;
if (param < 0) {
xx = x1;
yy = y1;
else if (param > 1) {
xx = x2;
yy = y2;
else {
is_vertex = false;
xx = x1 + param * C;
yy = y1 + param * D;
var dx = x - xx;
var dy = y - yy;
return [Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), [xx, yy], is_vertex];
function create_line(start, end_coordinates) {
var geo = Geometry(start);
return Polyline({"paths": [[[geo["x"], geo["y"]], end_coordinates]], "spatialReference": geo["spatialReference"]})
var closest = find_closest_line();
if (closest == null) return null
var data = point_and_distance($feature, closest);
if (data == null) return null
var lateral = create_line($feature, data["coordinates"]);
return {"result": null,
"edit": [{
"className": "lateral", "adds": [{"geometry": lateral}]
Thanks for the answer Mike, I would like to have a more firendly user tool within the UN (as in the previous Geometric Network) but I will have to try it this way if no other option then.
Thanks for the code and I will write a feedback if I finally have to use it
I'll be trying that, I also really like those ArcMap tools Sergio mentions, thanks Mike.