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Propagators configuration example

05-30-2022 03:24 PM
Frequent Contributor


I cannot find a good documentation on how to configure attribute propagation.

I mean there is some information here on how it works :

And in the official documentation, there is only a code sample that describes the propagators on an already configured utility network :

Finally, here ( it says : The propagators parameter is only available when using Python or creating a variable from a parameter in ModelBuilder.

Can you please provide some python code sample on how to update subnetwork definition and include propagators ? And also can you post a model builder with preconfigured variable parameter ?


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Occasional Contributor

Disable Topology and reference only the FGDB or EGDB, not service.

  1. Open Modelbuilder in Pro
  2. Drag and Drop the Set Subnetwork Definition tool within it
  3. double click the tool and select your utility network
  4. right-click the now coloured tool and navigate to Create Variable -> from parameter -> Propagator
  5. double click it and select the network attribute you created and assigned to the phase field
    1. sometimes here I have to re-open the propagator to get all the values to populate correctly
  6. G_Dillenger_0-1662992477335.png
  7. Run the tool
  8. Verify in the network properties that it exists.

In the end, your model will end up something like this:
