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How to exclude the Abandoned or Retired devices in the UN validation?

11-28-2023 09:45 AM
New Contributor III


This is my system configuration:

  • Water Utility Network version 5
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5

I would like to know if it is possible to exclude LifeCycle Status (Abandoned and Retired) from topology validations, I am facing a problem in my network because of this.

I have an End Cap that was retired, and I created another connection (unknown) in its place, in this case, the End Cap was "Retired" and the Fitting Unknown was "In Service".



However, the following error is returning on my network, and the only solution I could find to resolve this error was to delete one of the connections, but, in the system, we must have both, because we need to maintain the history of our network.


Is there any configuration mode that does not consider some specific LifeCycle Status in topological validations?

This is very important for the Water System.

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10 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hi all- This thread sounds related to a thread I started, so i wanted to link the 2. It seems to me that Esri missed the ball on this one. Why would we want to have a lifecycle status of abandoned if those features are still going to be included in topology? I can't figure how that makes any sense to use. It sure seems like abandoned, retired, design should either be excluded, or made optional. for topology. 

Esri- please note that all we have are work-arounds to this major issue, like offsetting with Z-values, which has its own problems (i.e. 3D), or creating a dataset outside of the UN to store this info. That seems to defeat the purpose of the UN functionality. I sure hope this is on the development radar. I stopped working on a plan B in hopes that Esri will address it with a proper UN based solution.



Remove abandoned features from active UN - Esri Community

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