I have a water utility network, and i wanted to run the isolation trace, is one subnetwork with one subnetwork controller enough? or do they have to have pressure zones in order to run the isolation trace so that it picks up the isolation valves perfectly.
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I would set your filter barriers to be like this:
and here are the results:
1 tier, 1 subnetwork is enough. Although with a large systems with a lot of controller, if will be faster to run the isolation trace on the pressure tier that is broken down into multiple subnetworks.
can i have system tier with one subnetwork controller and run the isolation trace for a city like half of new york?
Yes, but that could cause some performance issues. Only one way to find out.
So i have isolated a a smaller section for pressure zone and tried to run the isolation trace and i have received a result like this, when i wanted the nearby valves to be closed.
But all my valves are isolation valves tho, so would that be a problem when i tried to run the isolation trace using isolation valves in the system tier (i mean my whole network is in system tier while only a small portion i have used for isolation tier)
That is fine then, just make sure all those valve types are set to the isolation category and use that category as the filter barrier in the isolation trace.
You mean device status open/close during the filter barrier?
No. Open/closed is a condition barrier because it affects the normal traversability between the isolated location and its controller. The filter barrier is used to specify the criteria for identifying normally traversable features that should be used for isolation purposes. This is typically things like operable equipment designed for isolation (e.g. system or isolation valves), or in a pinch ... pinchable pipes.