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ArcGIS Pro 2.6: Which utility network rule does allow connectivity between a device junction and line edge midspan?

08-07-2020 04:44 AM
Legendary Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 2.6: Which utility network rule does allow connectivity between a device junction and line edge midspan?


I couldn’t figure out which rule does allow connectivity between a device and edge midspan.


For example, D2 device is configured to connect between edges of L1 asset group. If it’s digitized in the midspan of L1, then an error is generated

Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
1 Reply
New Contributor

Hi Jamal,

in the tool "Set Edge Connectivity" you can change "Edge Connectivity" to 'Any vertex'.



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