Survey123 calculations not working in edit mode

04-09-2021 08:57 PM
Regular Contributor

Hi All, 

I am using the embed widget in Experience Builder to embed surveys so that I can click on a map feature and open a survey built on the service (in edit mode). Basically, I adapted this example of a QA/QC workflow using a Dashboard to Experience Builder ( This just uses the URL parameters and the Global ID to open the survey for editing. The app and survey looks great and I am able to submit data BUT the calculations are not working in the embedded survey! 

After some investigation, I have figured out that the issue seems to be with calculations in edit mode. The calculations work for new records; however, when I open an existing record to update it (in edit mode), I see the 'Recalculate' button; however it does not work! 

Admittedly, the calculation is a bit complicated and awkward as I'm trying to calculate Risk from a risk matrix (see screenshot). Here is the calculation: 


if(((selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'VeryLikely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Major')) or 
    (selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'VeryLikely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Moderate')) 
    or (selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Likely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Major'))), 
    'VeryHigh', if(((selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Likely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Moderate')) or 
    ((selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Possible')) and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Major'))), 
    'High', if(((selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Unlikely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Major')) or 
    (selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Possible') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Moderate'))), 'Intermediate', 
    if(((selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'VeryLikely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Minor')) or 
    (selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Likely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Minor')) or 
    (selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Possible') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Minor'))) or 
    (selected(${DamageOrLossProbability},'Unlikely') and selected(${ConsequenceMagnitude},'Moderate')), 'Low', 'VeryLow'))))


Thanks in advance,


14 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I have had the same problem.   I contacted support and they logged it as a bug.  BUG-000137725

It's current status is "Under Consideration"

Regular Contributor

Thanks for letting me know! I hope this gets resolved soon as this functionality is really important for us. Do you know how one tracks known bugs like these? 

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Regular Contributor

Were you able to come up with a workaround for this BUG? Seems like it's still not fixed and I'm afraid I am going to have to get creative to find a way to update the calculations (maybe using a JavaScript and the ArcGIS REST API) but I was curious to learn if you had any ideas before I go down the rabbit hole. 

Occasional Contributor

What was the resolution to your bug?

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Frequent Contributor

You may have solved this issue already, but I encountered something similar today, although the opposite.  Perhaps my solution will work for you.  I created the survey in Survey123 Connect, and had the fields set to read-only in the XLS.  Those fields automatically calculated whenever I opened an existing survey in the widget.  However, when I removed the read-only status for those fields, I was able to retain the original values (e.g., Work Order ID) in the existing survey.  Perhaps, if you make those fields read-only, the calculations will automatically update.  If you want them to update only when the button is pushed, I'm not sure it will work, but this might be an option.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the tip, setting it to read only fixed my recalculate issues I was having in my repeats.

Frequent Contributor

A belated response, but I'm happy my suggestion was helpful!

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Frequent Contributor

Thank you Jasmine! Turing the fields to read only was the solution. Glad to see you with the solution 🙂

Occasional Contributor

I am still having this issue. 

The calculations work in create new in the field app, but when editing existing entries, embedded in a dashboard it totally breaks. 
My calculated fields are already set to ready only. 

Has anyone else found a solution?

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