Survey Does Not Exist Error

01-24-2018 10:20 AM
New Contributor II

Since I have updated to the latest version on Survey 123 I am unable to use a form that I created a month ago. It allows me to publish it, but it won't let me summit an entry. When in go to my Survey 123 online i get an error message that says "The survey does not exist or is not accessible. " despite having the thumbnail icon for me to click one.

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64 Replies
New Contributor III

Did anyone ever get a solution to this? I haven't done any updates or worked in Survey123 for a few weeks at least and today it decided to stop working. It's 2022, why has this been an issue for 4 years off and on for people?

Occasional Contributor III

I've had this problem today as well. Yesterday everything was fine. Today, I can't access my surveys via Survey123 and neither can Integromat. All the data is viewable in Portal, and my field techs can still submit data, Integromat and I just can't deal with it through the website.

Occasional Contributor

We are also having the same issue with our surveys on our Enterprise Portal. Everything in AGOL seems to function normally. Is there any indication that it is a widespread issue? I see that we are all posting within the same day.

New Contributor III

My issues are also with our Enterprise Portal. Same availability of information as April Chipman mentioned above. I've got a trouble ticket it and will let everyone know if they get back to me.

New Contributor II

@OrrinBabcock following. I'm having the same issue with Portal.

Occasional Contributor

We have also opened a ticket with ESRI.

New Contributor II

Following.  This issue just cropped up for me today as well.  Surveys were previoulsy working fine. Funny thing is, other surveys that post to the same feature service still work.  I've tried updating services, deleting and republishing surveys, and keep getting this same error.

New Contributor II

I've opened a ticket as well.. Has anyone learned if this is a known issue?  

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New Contributor III

I just checked my surveys on Portal and we seem to be having the same issue.

Occasional Contributor

I was able to open a survey in the survey123 website using Enterprise, can anyone else confirm the bug is fixed?