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pull data from external CSV in Survey123

03-16-2021 05:46 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am working on a survey we will be using to collect pipeline data.  We use a device that will calculate the yield strength and tensile strength of pipe exposed in the trench during an integrity dig.  The output is an Excel document.  Is there a way to pull the data into S123 so it does not have to be typed by hand?  We are looking to reduce human error wherever we can.  I have already looked at , and that won't work because the data has to be loaded to the Media folder prior to publishing.  Any help would be appreciated.

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7 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Why can you not add the file to the media folder?  It works great.

There is a way to read a CSV from AGOL or a feature service that is still in beta.  Of course you would need internet access.  It is still early adopter so take a look there.

hope that helps

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Occasional Contributor

They are taking the measurements in the field and want to add them to the survey.  I looked at the files for my surveys on my iPad, and did not see a Media folder like there is when I look on my PC.  Is there somewhere in the file structure we could put the csv and the survey would be able to pull the data?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Is this Connect or the web builder?  In Connect you add files to the media folder and they get pushed to the tablet for you.  

On a PC using Connect it should look like this.


I can then do lookups to all of these files.  I do what you are describing all the time.  

Hope that helps

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Occasional Contributor

I believe you are setting these up before a survey is done.  What I am trying to do is pull data from a csv that is created by a machine in the field that determines yield strength and tensile strength.  Since there are quite a few numbers, I was hoping to be able to use pulldata to reduce any human error when typing in all the measurements taken in the field.

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Regular Contributor

Hi Doug. I wonder if you can help me. I've got my .csv in the media folder and the pull data function is working great in Survey123 Connect prepopulating the questions. When I publish it to use in the web I get this error "FormLogicError: instance "CWAreas" does not exist in model". In addition, I've uploaded the CWAreas.csv to AGOL and linked it to the XLS form in Survey123 Connect with same error. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I am not sure pulldata works on the web?  It used to not but not sure now.  You will have to look that up. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

How would you physically move it from the device to the tablet?  That's the hard part unless I am not getting it right.

You could copy paste it from a USB stick if that is an option?

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