Question: In a Survey123 mobile app with a GeoShape body::esri:style setting, can iconColor be a variable/calculation? If yes, how?
On the last page of the form, the user is presented a geoshape map summary with a repeat geopoint overlay.
In this overlay styling, the label correctly pulls the value from the repeat question "trim_position", displaying as the overlay point label on the map.
In the same repeat that houses the trim_position, we have a question named "trim_color", containing the word blue.
When coding blue directly into the style, it presents as a blue icon. When trying to reference the repeat value (where = blue), it fails and defaults to black.
Examples of body::esri:style
Static Color Works: overlay=repeat_name&preview=true&iconColor=blue&label=trim_position&fontSize=18
Dynamic Color Does Not Work:
Can anyone provide any insight into using variables as values in these settings?
i want to know about this question too. i'm using the geoshape to map outcrop (geology mapping) and i want to add a color to the point overlayed on the geoshape question based on a question "Lithology"