Hi all
Since late yesterday I have come across something weird when wanting to create or upload a report template to a survey in ArcGIS Online. I get the error you see below. The survey works perfectly in every other way, but it is only the report that is causing an issue
It says "Item specified by surveyItemId does not exist or is not accessible.
What is this surveyItemId that is spoken about? How can it not exist?
I get the same error when I try upload new templates to several existing surveys that are currently using reports that have been uploaded before. Weirdly enough, if I publish a simple survey it all works well.
Has anyone had this issue before. I first thought it was a issue with my one survey that I was currently developing, but it is now doing it with several of the existing ones.
Is there some update to ArcGIS online that I don't know about?
Thanks so much
I have exactly the same problem and affect the automatic reporting using Integromat.
For the organization is very important to create these reports in real-time.
When did this start for you? For me it was just last week. We also have reports that are managed by integromat, so I am worried they might not work now
Matt Creaney Harold Herrera Ismael Chivite JTedrick-esristaff
Hello - this started on Friday afternoon for us (AEST). There was an update on Friday here I was told by support. It seems there are some other users experiencing the same issue at the same time. The issue is going to be about updates to feature report capabilities but I am waiting on further info from support.
We also have scheduled reports using Integromat, and they're essentially for billing....
I have just had a email saying that my one report has been stopped by Integromat because it cannot pull the report and email it. This is a HUGE issue for us.
Any ideas when this might be resolved?
No real indication from support. I expect the only way to potentially hurry it up is to open a support ticket yourself. The more data they have the better
Hi all,
Thanks all for raising the issue, we are sorry for the inconvenience. With the info provided by Matt, we are able to identify the cause for this issue now, and we will have this fixed in the upcoming hotfix.
If it is possible, could you please share your XLSForm that leads to this error? Then, we can test the fix more thoroughly. If you are not able to provide the form, could you please let us know is there an external choice question included in your survey?
Hi Ruth. Thank you for the reply. I can share the xlsx files, but I am not too sure this will help. I have noticed that it now does it on select surveys that i created months ago. Some are fine and some aren't. It seems like it is quite random. I will however upload 2 that are giving issues. One is a survey that was published months ago, and updated last week (this might be why it is causing an issue) and the other one is a new one I published last Thursday.
It could be that it is just surveys that were published after your updates (or whatever you did)
Please could you keep me informed as to when you will roll out the hotfix
PS. Yes, in both of these spreadsheets there is an external choice list. You should see it in spreadsheet
Thanks a lot, Paul, that is very helpful!
We are still evaluating the proper timeline to roll out the hotfix, in the meanwhile, I encourage you to contact Esri Support to raise a bug, which helps us assess the impact of the issue and prioritize it accordingly.
I will reply to this post when the fix is available.