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Drop Down list creation in general form

09-06-2023 09:36 AM
New Contributor II

Hello there 

I am creating a  survey question for list for choices and I was wondering can we create a list of choices from a excel spreadsheet rather than a hosted feature layer in the basic survey 123 form maker?  The excel  sheet is not on AGOl but hosted through sharepoint.   Thanks


Is there any workarounds on this available?  

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Support is limited: You can copy-paste the choices using the Batch Edit option as shown in the screenshot below.

If you want your list to change as the source changes, you will need to use an ArcGIS layer. I wonder if ArcGIS Pipelines could play a role here heping you keep sharepoint list content synched with an ArcGIS layer.  




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