When filling out a Survery123 form using a browser, my calculations from Survey123 Connect do not go through. On my mobile device and the desktop app they work. Is this know issue? Is there something I can do to get this to work on the browser?
Thanks for confirming James, appreciate it
Did you get the time calculations to work in the browser? I'm trying that same decimal time calculation for duration and it's not working in the browser but works fine in Connect
Hey Guys,
I'm Having the same issue with certain fields not calculating in the web form of Survey 123. Everything is working fine when submitting a survey from my IOS Device. However on the web form the following fields are not calculating: 'PointsRxBurnManager', 'PointsCounty', 'Total_Points', and 'TieBreakerPoints.' I've attached my spreadsheet. If you see something that I'm doing wrong, please help!
Hi James,
I am getting the same problem. Survey form is concatenating two fields into a single field (all text) but getting the NaN in the browser. S123 Connect and app do not give the same issue. Any recommendations on how to fix/work around?
Hi Albertus,
It sounds like you have a conversion issue. As mentioned above, NaN is an indication a conversion to integer/decimal is not present. It would be helpful if you could provide the calculation set (including inputs).
Hi James,
Sent the form through to you.
James Tedrick, can you help? I've got the same problem; calculating acres from the geoshape (I've a longer form, but I tried creating a short, simple one to make sure there wasn't any issues from other questions):
Here's the view in Survey123 Connect:
And in Chrome:
Hi Annina,
Are you using the area() function? That is not yet supported in the web form.
I am. But I don't have to, if there's a different way to implement. The user doesn't even need to see this question (if that helps); it's mainly for the analysis. I just don't want to have the consumers of the data to have to keep calculating area.
Hi Annina,
An alternative to the calculation would be to use an Arcade function, either to calculate a value later to a field or to display in a pop-up - Geometry Functions | ArcGIS for Developers