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Automatically generate unique link for different users (based on e-mail addresses)

12-26-2023 07:36 AM
New Contributor

Hi! 🙂 


I am trying to understand how I can send out a survey to about 500 unique users (e-mail addresses), where each survey link is unique but the survey is the same. I want to be able to do it to track the response of each respondent. I know each answer has an ObjectID, but I would like to connect the survey link to one unique user (e-mail address), before the survey gets sent out. 

I would like to use a list of e-mail addresses and automatically generate an unique survey link for each e-mail address. 

I have looked into this, is this the way to go forward to solve my problem, or is there any other way? 


Thank you for any help! 🙂  


Best wishes.  

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I think you mean pass the email in to a field in the form?  That would track them.

Your URL you can pass text.  

I think the @ will be ok but test it.

Hope that helps

Esri Contributor

Yes, you can use URL parameters to populate fields in a survey (like target user email address).

This post explains it well:

You can hide that field in the survey so people don't see it.

Not sure if it is important to you to encode (hide/obfuscate) the information in the URL. If not, you can use a spreadsheet to calculate values for the URLs (Base URL column + field specification + email address value, where only email address changes).


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