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Embedded links as cards - can you display them in a grid view rather than in a list?

09-20-2023 02:36 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor III

Hi there,

I have several links to embed in a StoryMap and I want to display them as cards. However, I would like to organize them side by side (first photo below); I would like a grid view rather than the list (second photo). Is there anyway to accomplish that?





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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

This is not currently an arrangement that is supported, but we are working on some things that you might be interested in. In a few weeks you'll be able to create add a hyperlink to an image. This will also work in an image gallery. 

We have also discussed adding some type of grid element that would let you arrange blocks in columns like you mentioned here, but we do not have a specific timeline on when that might be available. If you are interested in that, please post your suggestion on the ideas board so others can upvote it and add their feedback about this request.

Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps
New Contributor III

Thanks for the update @OwenGeo !

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