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How to enable supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIDs on your feature layer

3 weeks ago
Esri Regular Contributor
1 0 85

The supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIDs warning

The QuickCapture designer shows a warning if your project contains feature layers that have the supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIDs property is set to false. Many feature layers (including those created from the ArcGIS Online templates) by default will have this property set to false, so if you create a QuickCapture project from them, you will see the following warning in the QuickCapture Designer analyser UI:


(The following layers are configured in a way that may cause photo loss)

Currently, this is just a warning, meaning that you can still save the project without applying the fix. However it is strongly recommended that you don’t ignore it. In the future we will make this an error, which will prevent you from saving the project, until the issue is resolved. See this deprecation notice.

The reason that supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIDs is important is that the setting that supports reliable transactions when uploading attachments (particularly when working in low bandwidth conditions) and helps the QuickCapture mobile app to prevent the upload of duplicate features.

I'm seeing the warning in the QuickCapture Designer, what do I do?

If you are using a hosted feature service in ArcGIS Online, setting supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIDs is really simple. You just need to enable the Sync capability on your layer. It does not matter if there are existing features and attachments in the layer, the steps will still work. You can follow the steps outlined in this blog.

If you are using non hosted feature layers or ArcGIS enterprise then the steps shared in this Survey123 blog, also apply to QuickCapture.