Hi there,
I have setup ArcGIS Pro V2.5 to use a local folder to load in several .esriAddinX files from the Add-In Manager option
What is the best practice/correct way to store the .esriAddinX files in this directory?
Option 1 - Is it the files straight in the directory
Option 2 - Should they be in their individual folder (eg. GUID - ID from the config.daml file) and then the file which is the same if you double-click the file and it's installed in your 'Documents' folder
The get started documentation talks about 'manually copying the file to a well-known folder'. What does it really mean by this?
After this is known, now for the next part.
With all these .estiAddinX files, how are they processed?
Thank you for any help in this area is greatly appreciated
Hello Anthony,
Your options 1 and 2 are equally valid approaches. The GUID folder is created when compiling your add-in, but is not required for use in any well-known folders you've designated which Pro reads at start-up. The manual copying does literally mean copying (whichever method you choose) of the .esriAddinX file to a well-known folder that you've designated via the Add-In Manager or by a registry key. At startup, Pro will then read those folder locations and load the .esriAddinX files found there.
On the second part of your question, add-ins within a given well-known folder are loaded in alphabetical order determined by their ID. You can find further information here in the Advanced Topics document Add-In Loading section. You can learn about add-in loading and admin options for managing well-known folders, etc.
Hope this helps. We'll move this post, and please post future Pro add-in questions on the Pro SDK Questions board:
Thank you for this information and this is very useful. I have started to review the documentation and have already started to think of more questions to ask around this.