I'm in the process of entering a new subdivision into my parcel fabric through the create features menu. Just drawing in lines with identical values in the direction/distance fields. Between every single line, Pro hangs for 5-10 seconds to refresh the map.
Is there any way to turn this function off temporarily? I have a long way to go and using the bulk create tools (like copy parallel) don't create lines that are snapped to where I need them to be and it's more time and effort to fix it than to just draw the lines manually.
Have you tried the "Pause Drawing" option in the lower right corner of the screen? There is a pause button and a refresh right next to each other.
Hope this helps!
Yeah, that doesn't really help if I'm in the middle of sketching. I use that fairly frequently when I'm panning around though.
edit: it would be cool if the F9 keyboard shortcut from arcmap would work in pro
It could be that your data's taking a while to be returned from a remote source. I would open up your various layers and check on their caching settings. If you don't have caching enabled, then Pro will need to re-fetch features as you navigate the map and edit.
I just ran through the cache settings for the two layers I have active and caching is enabled.
Just really frustrating to wait between creating lines when I haven't moved the display, like I have it set up so I can see the whole block I'm working, entered all the lines for the perimeter of the block with the traverse tool so all I have to do is sketch the individual lot lines. Equally as frustrating that copy parallel doesn't generate lines that snap x.x