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Multiple "Details" sections on one report page?

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I'm trying to build a report in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.0 to display the photo attachments from a point feature service. Each point has one photo. I want to display 12 photos per page because I have about 600 photos to include. Each photo will have a brief caption pulled from feature attributes. So, in other words, I want to create a photo grid with photos for 12 points displayed on each page.

My initial attempt resulted in the same point/photo being duplicated 12 times on each page, with each page displaying a new point (12 times). From that, I have deduced that each "Details" section can only display attributes and attachments for a single feature per page. Assuming that's right, what I now want to do is duplicate the Details section 12 times on each page, with each Details section showing details for a new point, but I can't figure out how to do that. I don't see a way to duplicate, copy/paste, or insert a new Details section.


Am I on the wrong track? Can anyone point me in the right direction?


- Holly
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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

@AlyciaRajendran_esri Do you have any suggestions? Is it possible to generate a report with a grid of photo attachments representing multiple features on each page? I can only figure out how to do it with one feature per page or possibly one feature per row. Rows and columns would work (with one feature/attachment per cell) but not rows alone.

I'm attaching an example with four photos, each attached to a different point. We usually create these manually but that's not going to work with 600 points.

- Holly
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