I am creating linear route events from a table that as some very small differences between fmeas and tmeas. The differences are not zero, but the lines are not being drawn. Is there a way to force the Make Route Event Layer tool to make lines for very short distances? We are crossing streams and need these segments.
Thank you,
Randy McGregor
If you don’t get an answer, you could post it as an idea.
If the data is in an enterprise or mobile geodatabase: If this is an absolute must-have, as a very, very last resort, you might be able to do it using a spatial database view. I tried something similar (a linear referencing/dynamic segmentation spatial view) using SDE.ST_ST_GEOMETRY data in Oracle, but the math was horribly complicated and performance was awful. It was better with SDO_GROMETRY, but still pretty ugly. Likely not worth doing.
Maybe you could generate a static linear referencing/dynamic segmentation FC using ArcPy instead.
Could you create a point route event layer instead of lines?
I wonder if you could post a similar question in the Esri Roads and Highways community, even though you're not using that product. I assume the Route Event Layer tool is still relavent to that community.
Does the map or layer have some sort of XY tolerance setting?
You could also report it as a bug to Esri support.
That's a good suggestion and I think that *may* be it. I hit this snag a long time ago and I feel like I got it to work! I'll check and I can get that to work, I'll give you the credit. Thanks