Locate Addresses with Units

07-22-2019 01:18 PM
Occasional Contributor

I have created a locator using the Point Address Role. The locator works but it will not locate or provide candidates for addresses that contain units. For example: 606 Main St will work but 606 Main St Suite 150 will not. This is a big problem when all of the addresses on a parcel have unit addresses. For example: 10001 Kingston Pike only exists with units (e.g. Suite 100 - 150) and since all the address points have unit values it will not show up in the candidates list.

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68 Replies
Esteemed Contributor


When you are using the "US Address - Single House Subaddress" style for the Create Address Locator tool, do you not have a checkbox that allows you to enable suggestions like in the below screenshot?  Or do the suggestions just not work properly?

For the new Create Locator tool I do not see a checkbox to Enable suggestions.  Would you or anyone else know if suggestions are just automatically enabled for the Create Locator address locator? 

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Occasional Contributor

I did "Enable Suggestions" for the "Create Address Locator" but they seem to be disabled for those locators. The "Create Locator" tool doesn't have a "Use Suggestions" option that I noticed - it just works automatically.

Here is a shot of the Locate Settings: KnoxCo_AddrPnt_OldStyle was built using the "Create Address Locator". You can enable the locator but not the Use Suggestions option. It is always disabled for that locator.

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Frequent Contributor

Suggestions for a local, file-based, locator will only be available for those created with the Create Locator tool (enabled by default).

The Create Address Locator tool does not support suggestions for a local, file-based locator, and only supports suggestions when shared as a service. So you could test sharing the locator you created with the Create Address Locator tool to Portal, then bring in the geocode service (not the local locator) to ArcGIS Pro and test the suggestion functionality there.

I do understand the point you are making though Bryan, searching for "606 Main St" does not yield any candidates with unit numbers, and you would need to actually include the unit number in the search, e.g. "606 Main St #100". I thought the issue was that you were searching for the address with the unit number and still not returning any results. 

I cannot say for certain that what we are seeing here is expected behavior, but I see the same on my end. Bryan - I'd recommend we work through your Support case to maybe see if we can get an enhancement logged to provide similar functionality to what you're seeing with the Create Address Locator tool with the Create Locator tool (ability to search for the base address and see all associated subaddresses as well). I'll track down your case and work with the analyst to see if we can get something like this logged. 

Best regards,


Occasional Contributor
 I thought the issue was that you were searching for the address with the unit number and still not returning any results.

If I use the Create Locator tool against our Oracle SDE database, then yes, this is exactly the problem. I can key in the address with the unit number and it isn't found (not as a suggestion or candidate). It only finds the address without a unit number (see screen shot below). This is a real problem when all the addresses on the parcel have unit numbers (see the 2220 Clinch Ave screen shot above). The screen shot below is showing the results when using a locator created from the Oracle SDE feature class:

Locators created using a local copy of the data will locate the addresses with units.

I wanted to add this note for clarification for anyone else reading the thread.

Thanks and I will open a support ticket today.

Frequent Contributor

Hi Bryan,

The issue you are describing definitely sounds like a defect. I'll do some testing this morning and see if I can reproduce the issue if I use reference data that is sourced from an Oracle geodatabase. 

Thank you for bringing this up!


Esteemed Contributor

What version of Oracle are you currently using to store your data (e.g. Oracle, Oracle, other)?

Frequent Contributor

Hi Bryan,

To follow up, I tested the same feature class I used successfully in a file geodatabase and moved it to an Oracle 12.2 (12C) geodatabase and can reproduce the issue you are reporting. Searching for "606 MAIN ST #100" only returns a candidate for "606 MAIN ST". 

Let's continue to work through your Support case and hopefully get something logged for this if the analyst working with you can reproduce the issue as well.


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Frequent Contributor

FYI - this does appear to be an issue with other RDBMS beside Oracle...

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MVP Emeritus

This is a good discussion regarding the new approach to creating locators.  It's nice to see ESRI ready to join the dialogue as we all make the adjustments. 

That should just about do it....
Esri Regular Contributor

The behavior in the original post is expected behavior for subaddress addresses, a unit indicator (#, APT, UNIT...) is required to return address matches. This is noted in the Subaddress section in the help, https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/help/data/geocoding/introduction-to-locator-roles.htm#GUID-BA06C3F....

Suggestions for subaddresses are currently not supported for locators based on the PointAddress role created with the Create Locator tool whether local or as a service. It would be great to understand the use case for providing suggestions for subaddress, as well as, returning all units associated with the base address when searching for the base address. At what point in typing the address do you expect the unit suggestion be returned? If you are searching an address for a building with 1,000 units, are you expecting to scroll through all 1,000 unit candidates to find what you are looking for? 

The PointAddress role does require one of three field mappings outside of street name: building name or house number, or house number to and from fields. This is why you are getting the error when only mapping street name. I'm not sure what values you had in the street name field, but the PointAddress role requires the address components to be separated just like street centerlines. See link to help topic above.