Table frames allow you to dynamically update them within a map series by using a page query, which is very cool. However, where a single map (within a series) has no records at all matching the page query you get an empty table and the field titles are still displayed on the layout map face when you export the map.
Is there a way to make ArcGISPro remove the table altogether and not display that if there is no data in the table? Because a table with no data implies to the end user that something is missing!
I figure this could be an oversight by ESRI, as when this happens with a legend item, although it shows you the legend placeholder in Pro, the export is blank as per this question , but that doesn't seem to be the case with table frames.
Hi Richard,
Currently, there are no options in the UI that "hides" the table frame when the current map series page map extent does not include any features applicable to the table. This is something we would like to do in the future.
@TomBole Thanks for confirming. At least I know I didn't miss anything obvious. The functionality would be very useful to me and my colleagues. Can I read that this is already "in the product plan"? Or is it worth me adding it as an ArcGIS idea?
Hi Richard,
I would add this to ArcGIS Ideas. It help us prioritize our work.
Thanks for the feedback!
Has this question been added to the ArcGIS Ideas? I haven't found it, perhaps a very different title?
Apologies @LarissaAu it seems I never followed this up. Added now: