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Hide a table frame if no records are present on a map within a map series

12-01-2023 03:17 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Table frames allow you to dynamically update them within a map series by using a page query, which is very cool. However, where a single map (within a series) has no records that match the page query then you get an empty table with the field titles still displayed in the layout map face when you export the map.

Please can you make ArcGISPro remove the table altogether and not display the headings if there is no data in the table? Because a table with no data implies to the end user that something is missing!

I figure this could be an oversight by ESRI, as when this happens with a legend item, although it shows you the legend placeholder in Pro, the export is blank as per this question , but that doesn't seem to be the case with table frames.

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Status changed to: In Product Plan
Status changed to: Implemented

This is implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.4 with the Display only when populated option for table frames, legends, chart frames, and pictures. Go to Your Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.4 to see other ideas implemented this release and check out the What's New help to learn about everything that is new and improved in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.
