Hello everybody!!
I've been recently hired by a public company where we are required to use ArcGis pro because of the online portal where many data and maps are shared by the organisation. i was accostumed to QGis, which I used for at least 5 years without any problem.
Switching from Qgis to ArcGis has been traumatic and my productivity dropped, mainly because of the inexplicable (to me) difficulties that arcgis pro has to do even the simplier tasks (one for all: copy point element from one layer to another: qgis=select layer 1, select elements, ctrl+c, select layer 2, ctrl+v: done; arcgis pro= still not found without create a new shape feature class (AAAAAAH) and than merge and whatever)
So, I don't like this software, moreover I honestly hate it, but I have to use it, so I hope to find some solution i need in this community, just to avoid any other rage raptus.......