Failed to open map view(?)

10-31-2024 08:19 AM
Frequent Contributor

I am rather suddenly getting this error message on a map with multiple layers and groups of layers that represent specific workflows. No idea what could have triggered it. Is there any way to recover a dead map?



14 Replies
by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

Maybe try suggestions in the following post

Failed to open map view

Question | Analyze | Visualize
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Esri Esteemed Contributor

To add to the thread, this was seen in an Esri Support case and this was their solution:

ArcGIS Pro was updated to ArcGIS Pro 3.3.0 and a workaround was implemented to stop the message of "Failed to open map view."
1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
2. Opening each map for one at a time.
3. Remove the layers from that map.
4. Save.
5. Delete map.
6. Save project.

Other items that may cause this error:  broken data links, an attribute table is open when saving the *.aprx (close the table and resave the *.aprx), *.aprx is on a network drive vs. C: drive, or corrupted toolbox (*.atbx) - delete and resave *.aprx.


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Honored Contributor

@Robert_LeClair  how does one open each map when the issue is that the map does not open?

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

It's a good question certainly.  In the Support Case, the error message was being thrown while the map view was opening (for some reason).  In this case, if one cannot open the map view, it could just be a corrupted map view and/or *.aprx.  If a corrupted map view, then best to delete and rebuild it.

There is some Python scripting referenced here that the user can list out what layers are in the *.aprx and then "test" each layer in a new project to see if any of the datasources are bad.

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Honored Contributor

@Robert_LeClair  interesting -- I'll have to give this a try. I'm working with another user's file, and one thing I noticed  when poking around in the catalog etc. was that while the map doesn't open and it doesn't have a disclosure triangle to show its layers in the catalog TOC/can't double click to see it, it does show its data sources when I use the data source manager. Is this error known to be a data source issue? Any indication of the cause within the otherwise very generic error would be potentially useful when troubleshooting.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

I failed to ask this question but are you using a file or enterprise geodatabase?

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Frequent Contributor

A combination of files (shapefiles and gdb feature classes) and ArcGIS Online hosted feature layers. Thank you

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Frequent Contributor

Wow. I REALLY dropped the ball on this one. Sorry for being so unresponsive. I ended up making a new map and starting over. It was very frustrating to lose the layers I had carefully organized, but there was no other alternative and to this day, I have absolutely no idea what caused it. Thank you to all who have contributed and if anyone does know why this happens, it would be great to know.

Occasional Contributor

Nothing but crickets from ESRI on this?  Doesn't give me much confidence in the software if randomly your layers go away and there is no workaround.

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