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Does Number of Maps in ArcPro Project Affect Performance

05-18-2023 11:16 AM
MVP Regular Contributor


I am trying to run a pretty simple GP Excel to Table. The document in question has a large number of maps (50+, I think), and the tool with start fine but never finish. Other Pro projects I've tested in don't run into this issue, so I made a new dummy project and steadily added maps from the original until the tool hit the same issue. I was able to successfully run table to excel with 15 maps, but the 16th wound up resulting in a hanging process. I've reproduced this with different combinations of maps in the document. Is this expected behavior? Is there an upper limit for the amount of in-project content that can exist without disrupting GP tools?

1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hey Zach,

I believe this would be expected behavior. When we load a project the maps will need to load with their respective data connections. The more we have the more the performance may be hit by this.

The following guide I find really useful for improving project performance when it begins to slow down. It is mentioned that having maps open will slow it down, and instead we should open them when they are needed.

Maps can still be opened from the catalogue below.


Hope that helps, if not then please let me know.


Esri UK -Technical Support Analyst
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