@AyanPalit I am very confused at this point...
You would think that if I had my road layer with M values and a Point layer with measurements along that road layer that I would run a tool and extract the road segments that are between those point locations. I guess I need to know what format the data needs to be in and what tool to run
1. I have a point FC with a bunch of records ... Well there is one record for the Start Location and one record for the End Location. Do I need to dissolve these? I am not sure how to take these point locations that have a measurement along the Road FC and extract the road segment that lies between the points and place that in a different line FC.
Do I need to create a new FC that has a From Measure field and a To Measure field with those values I calculated? In a sense taking the existing point sets and combine them into one row with a Start and End Field value?
I cannot quite figure out the next step. I don't think my data is in a format to do what I am trying to do.
I cannot figure out your comment below because I have a Line Feature (Roads) and a point Feature (Start and End points in separate rows). The below comment is not making sense. It wont let me put in Roads as the Input and then Points as the Input Route Features....
"Note that you may use the Locate Features Along Route GP on a point or linear feature (road segments). Processing linear feature will produce a table with attributes FMEAS (from measure) and TMEAS (to measure). "
Thanks for your help thus far.