I am developing a toolbox for arcgispro 2.2.3.
I have the regular template .pyt file, and import a regular file which contains my custom code. I can run the script just fine in arcgispro geoprocessing facility.
If I then modify the .py file, I then refresh in pro. The pyt flie appears to be refreshed, but NOT the .py file. The only way I can get pro to re-read the .py file is to close arcgis and re-open it again. It then reads the py file.
It would appear that pro holds a copy of the toolbox in a different folder to the folder I am editing?
If I put ALL my code into the pyt file it is ok, but that is very poor programming practise.
many thanks
would appreciate if anyone has any thoughts on this. I am rather stuck right now. I would prefer to not have all my code in the .pyt file. It feels really dodgy and amateurish.
Is there a particular reason that you are using a pyt?
Is it for a particular functionality that they offer that custom toolboxes don't
Comparing custom and Python toolboxes—Geoprocessing and Python | ArcGIS Desktop
editing and debugging info is in the link.
I haven't found a use case for pyt over custom yet, so I am curious, since I find editing easy and the toolbox behaves as expected after edits are complete
No particular reason. was using a PYT as the guidance was that python is the future path and as I am a python guy, I thought it was a good fit.
If the custom toolbox re-scans a regular .py file, I would be happy to migrate over. Do you know if that is the case?
Paul, I have been using python 3 for years and to re-import/re-load an imported module you can include
importlib — The implementation of import — Python 3.7.1 documentation
The SO site has a good example How do I unload (reload) a Python module? - Stack Overflow
You can put this in your main script
from importlib import reload
import yourmodule
then you can have a line which you comment/uncomment while testing
# reload(yourmodule) # uncomment for testing
I use Spyder as my python IDE so you can skip all that by setting Spyder to use complete re-imports by default to ensure that changes are detected in the imported module by the main module. I do find uncommenting/commenting out the reload line just as easy
For python 2, it is simply a builtin function
I did a blog or two on simple toolbox/tool creation and script documentation for use in Pro which might be of use.
The use case for custom vs python tools is in the link above... so it is a 'you decide' but I haven't found a good one for pyt's yet. Until you can use qt or some other dialog creator with arc* products, I tend to use the 'wizard' approach in the custom toolbox since you can screengrab your parameters settings for documentation so you have a visual record
Evening Dan
thanks so much for the reload tip. I will give it a spin and let you know if it works at my end. Keeping the python code in their natural modules has to be a good thing. A big bucket of pyt is hardly setting a good standard for future scripts.
While I like the direction ESRI is taking on python, it still looks very much like a work in progress. Using a decent IDE + debugger like VSCode would make developing scripts about ten times quicker and the resulting script would be more robust.
One day...