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ArcGIS Pro 3.3 - Define projection of GeoTIFF apparently does nothing

12-12-2024 02:18 PM
Frequent Contributor

I have a GeoTIFF that ArcGIS Pro itself created from a map.  For some reason the output it doesn't pick up the coordinate system (its a PCS), as in the when I put the resulting GeoTIFF into Pro it says unknown coordinate system.  It drops into the right place though when I put it into a map that is using its PCS.  I just need the program to be able to tell what the PCS is because the intended use is a different piece of software.  So I run define projection with the appropriate PCS on the GeoTIFF.  Nothing happens, Arc still reads it as unknown coordinate system.  Doesn't matter if my source GeoTIFF was created with or without the TIF tags checked on, exact same result.  What is happening?  Is this a bug?  Will 3.4 fix it, I don't see it on the bug fix log for 3.4?  This workflow seemed to go fine before ArcPro 3.3.  I'm reluctant to go to 3.4 because this wouldn't be the first time an Arc update has broken things.

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7 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Is there a .tfw file with the same name and the same directory as the tiff file? If so, what are the contents?

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MVP Notable Contributor

Did my response in your other post on this help any?

Could possibly be a 3.3+ thing as I didn't test on them.



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Frequent Contributor

Yes, thanks.  I'm 99% sure this is a bug now.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

World files for raster datasets—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

If you do have a world file (eg *.tifw) which matches your image name the geotiff will only use it if you have set to

Set ArcGIS to read the world file first

Just check your project properties if the above applies.

You can create a world file from a geotiff if you want to go that route

Export Raster World File (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

... sort of retired...
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Frequent Contributor

I've tried exporting with and without the GeoTIFF tags, and with and without the Set ArcGIS to read the world file first option on and off.  In all four cases the result was the same, Arc lists it as unknown coordinate system.  Define Projection for the PCS correctly dropped in (but listed as unknown coordinate system) GeoTIFF does nothing in Pro, however Define Projection in map produces a raster that both Map & Pro can in program recognize correctly.  Looks like I have a bug in 3.3 to report.  Rhett Zufelt above, in a different thread, is getting different results, Arc recognizing the coordinate system correctly, with version 3.1.3 & 3.2.1

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

BUG-000164582 for ArcGIS Pro sounds similar

... sort of retired...
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MVP Notable Contributor

Realized that my testing was only for Map, and not a Layout, so tested that as well.

Appears to be working also.


In catalog, if I look at the Raster Properties, it shows there as well, so probably correct being a 3.3 thing.  I try not to 'upgrade' until the issues fixed from previous versions gets to fewer than a dozen or so 'pages' of issues, so won't be able to test 3.3 for some time.


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