I've upgraded to ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and found when editing a Versioned Geodatabase located within SDE that I'm now getting this error now:

Seems researching it, I'm just finding some information that it could be linked to a corruption of the database somehow or at least something with the linking of the table via SDE.
We've run some maintenance scripts as well as I've relinked the entire table as I have noticed that in 3.2 the New Database Connection has changed it's look a little from 2.9.
I'm notcing this is happening with several different tools, not just one. Such as creating a new feature, reshapping, etc. So I'm not thinking it's directly related to Editing of the Versioned Geodatabase on SDE.
Any suggestions that I or the database side GIS guys can look at to try and resolve this issue?
I'm assuming it's from 3.2, but not 100% sure as I haven't worked in this database for a little over 2 weeks, but I did notice it after updating to 3.2 at least...