ArcGIS Pro 2.8.4: The “output backlink raster” of “cost distance” of model builder fails to generate a default name and to respect the “scratch workspace” environment,
I couldn’t figure out why the “output backlink raster” of “cost distance” of model builder fails to generate a default name and to respect the “scratch workspace” environment.
Why it doesn’t take an automatics name (like other outputs) and stored as set per the “scratch workspace” environment
Is this by design?
Show the cost distance tool parameters. The backlink raster is optional and won't be given a name unless one is specified, then you can check to see if it goes to the scratch workspace
Cost Distance (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
The only require parameter is the output raster, hence a default name is probably provided in that case
It appears that the grayed outputs don’t respect the scratch workspace environment settings.
I ma be need to report it in the Ideas forum or is it by design?
This issue persists to exist even in Pro 3.1.5
ArcGIS Pro 3.1.5: The optional outputs do not respect the "scratch workspace" environment in model builder,