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24043: Related layers or tables are not present in the map

01-29-2024 07:47 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am trying to publish a web layer that has a relationship class created in ArcGIS Pro, but I keep getting a warning that the related table is not in the map. The table is in the map, and I can add new records to the table using the Attributes pane.

24043 related table error.jpg

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have remade the features and tables twice now, updated Pro, recreated the relationship class, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


- Miles



4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

This appears to be BUG-000159111 - The Share As Web Layer tool returns the following warning message, "24043 Related layers or tables are not present in the map," when the related layers are in the map." and was fixed for the ArcGIS Pro 3.2 release.  What release of ArcGIS Pro are you using?

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Occasional Contributor

I have the same error and I am using the most current version of ArcGIS Pro.   the error occurs when layers are renamed in the content pane because of the warning.    If I do not change the names in the contents, then I do not get the relationship table error.

24098: The stand alone table layer name exposes the fully qualified dataset name in the service

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Esri Notable Contributor

The only thing I see about this error number is in the ArcGIS Pro help here.

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks @MilesThompson for posting! Same exact thing is happening for me.

@Robert_LeClair I am using Pro version 3.2.1. My relationship class is Origin is the table and Destination is the feature class. Pro doesn't work well with that in other areas (pop-up configuration etc). So I wonder if this is also related to that issue? 

**Edit - nope, nevermind! User error! Table was named what it was supposed to be but actually pointed at the wrong table source. Once I fixed that, no warnings! **