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Change Domain in ArcGIS Online via ArcGIS Pro

01-10-2017 05:30 PM
Status: Open
MVP Alum

Change Domain in ArcGIS Online via ArcGIS Pro.  Currently, I can manipulate fields in AGOL with Pro, I want to be able to update domains, and their attributes in Pro for AGOL services.


I used the Configure an ArcGIS Solution to add the domains to a field on a hosted feature layer and it worked well. I would like to apply the same domains to other layers and I tried to use the arcpy code that was created and I get an error.

Code:"Evacuation des eaux\Construction\evac_ligne_construction", "maj_user", "Coded Value", "maj_user", "0 cbach;1 abart;2 rriedo;3 dristevski;4 fcuenot;5 pmorel;6 jvurlod;7 ajesenicnik;8 sjubin;9 bchassay", None, None)


AttributeError: module 'arcpy' has no attribute 'solutions'


The tools from solutions can not be used by arcpy or some additional model need to be imported? 



I am assuming the extends arcpy and is included in the solutions deployment tool. Thus far, I have been unable to find the Python code that is actually run. This is quite frustrating knowing there is a tool that dose it but not being able to access it for programmatic changing of hosted domains.


I would like to be able to edit AGOL domains associated with hosted feature classes in ArcGIS Pro.

As of right now, you can view the domains in Read-Only mode, meaning that if you're editing the feature class and decide you want to make a change to the domain options, you have to open up AGOL, make the edits, then sync the FC, close/reopen Pro, or remove and re-add the feature classes for the changes to take effect.

Being able to edit them directly in Pro would make the process far more streamlined and save a lot of time and frustration.




Hello @AlfredBaldenweck Thank you for submitting this Idea! I wanted to let you know that we have an existing Idea for this request, Change Domain in ArcGIS Online via ArcGIS Pro . The core request for both your Idea and this one is to allow users to edit the domains of ArcGIS Online hosted services in ArcGIS Pro. Given that the older Idea has 80 kudos votes on it, I will merge these two Ideas. Once the two are merged, the text from this Idea will be added as a comment. Please upvote the "Change Domain in ArcGIS Online via ArcGIS Pro" Idea using the kudos button. 

Thank you! 



Add the ability to create, update, or delete domains for hosted feature services in ArcGIS Pro through the user interface and domain related geoprocessing tools. I want to be able to manage hosted feature service domains in ArcGIS Pro. Currently domain information for hosted feature services is read only in ArcGIS Pro.

ArcGIS Online (AGO)/ArcGIS Enterprise (AGE) allows you to create domains, add, remove or change values, and individually sort values. AGO/AGE will not let you define split or merge policies or run any of the Domains geoprocessing tools. It slows down work to have to jump back and forth between ArcGIS Pro and AGO/AGE when some things can only be done in ArcGIS Pro (using edit tools like trace or split) and other things (add a missing domain value) can only be done in AGO/AGE.

It is annoying that using tools like split in ArcGIS Pro cause all of my fields with domain values to become null instead of the duplicating values.


@KoryKramer  is this a bug or a feature:
"It is annoying that using tools like split in ArcGIS Pro cause all of my fields with domain values to become null instead of the duplicating values."


@RTPL_AU I found on Esri Community that there is a way to edit a service's JSON to enable duplicating domain values when splitting. So it is possible but it is not exposed through any ArcGIS UI. I do not like doing that way either because it is too easy to mess up the JSON. I do make a copy of the original JSON first as a backup and edit a copy of the JSON in a code editor to minimize mistakes.


Editing the JSON is a Monday morning activity; definitely not recommended for Friday afternoons, eh?
On Tuesdays I wish they would document it a lot better but change to "remove it and give us a safe but powerful GUI to do the same" on Wednesdays 🙂


@Joshua-Young  ( @KoryKramer FYI re Idea)

The populating of domain values when splitting depends on one of those 'set & forget' settings when creating the domain. 


"Default" means delete when split and "Duplicate" is what I would think should be normal behaviour of 'keep everything the same, just split the geometry'. 

Idea lodged to have an override setting available in the Split tool dialog.