Hope you are doing well!
I have a question regarding the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric theory. I want to differentiate the Parcel Fabric in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. Could you explain to me some important points regarding this?
Please help me!
According to The Parcel Fabric: What to Know When Going Pro — Cloudpoint Geospatial,
If you are familiar with the ArcMap Parcel Fabric, you may notice some differences in the ArcGIS Pro Parcel Fabric. Here are a few changes:
One adaptation ArcMap users need to make when transitioning to ArcGIS Pro is the Pro interface. It is a ribbon interface similar to Microsoft Office products, in which tabs are grouped by functionality (Insert, View, Edit, Share, etc.), and work is done within a Project.
As far as parcel editing goes, a major advantage is in ease of use of the ArcGIS Pro Editing tools.
There are so many differences that I'll do my best to keep it high level.
We preserved the name 'parcel fabric' and the concepts that work well:
- Historic parcels
- Points as 'glue' between parcels
- Association to the legal record (plan)
- Ability to represent the legal and the physical world
- Parcel capabilities such as LSA to improve and evaluate spatial accuracy
- Tasks to replace parcel workflows
This table shows the differences and some of the confusing and departed concepts:
High level advantages of the new Parcel Fabric:
- Uses simple feature classes and simple layers
- You can use any editing tool
- Works using web services and can be maintained from different clients
- Parcel lineage (each parcel is associated to the record that created it and retired it)
- Improved and configurable information model
- Easy to configure quality rules using topology and attribute rules that meet your organization's business requirement
- Improved capabilities that will save you time. From LSA, to validating quality through parcle alignment
- Automation capabilities exposed in geoprocessing tools, arcpy python methods and arcgis python methods and of course .Net SDK for the 'real developers'.
On top of the list above (from the top of my head), you can leverage all the great functionality that ArcGIS Pro offers: Attribute Rules, Branch Versioning, Tasks, multiple Layouts in a single project, editing capabilities...
I am sure different types of customers have different reasons of why they upgrade to ArcGIS Pro Parcel Fabric.
Keep in mind that in a few years there will be only one type of parcel fabric...
It will be good to get other customers to share the main benefits they see from moving to ArcGIS Pro parcel Fabric.
The main benefit I have found since moving over to the Pro Parcel Fabric is Aligning is much better than Joining in Arcmap. Also, the Merge Points tool is very useful. The overall functionality and speed of Pro is better and more user friendly than Arcmap.
Here is my question can we use parcel fabric editing tools through parcel fabric API on non parcel fabric data model or normal feature class
@Anonymous User
The new parcel fabric is a 'data controller' which controls SIMPLE FEATURE CLASSES. The controlled feature classes are not different from any other 'normal' feature classes.
The Parcel Fabric REST API can only be used against a parcel fabric. These tools are specifically made for parcels. If you take 'merge' for example, we know that you are not merging 2 polygons but 2 parcels, which will:
Migrating to the new parcel fabric is easy. So can you please explain why you are trying to avoid leveraging those capabilities?