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Case study: Parcel Fabric & Beyond: From Legacy System to Long-Term Success at Douglas County

01-16-2024 03:17 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
5 0 369

Another quote:
By implementing ArcGIS Parcel Fabric, Douglas County can now deliver accurate data, updated automatically on a daily basis to meet the needs of departments including planning, assessors, and emergency services. Grindberg no longer has to manually work with data to prepare it for various uses. Thanks to automated processes in Parcel Fabric and integrations connecting it to other business systems within the county and partner agencies, data is no longer out-of-date by a week or a month, but accurate on a daily basis.

Read more about it here:

About the Author
Product Engineer @ Esri. working on Parcel Fabric and ArcGIS Pro Tasks. Education: M.Sc. Geodetic Engineering, Licensed Land Surveyor, Licensed Real Estate Appraiser, System Designer, Project Manager... Free time: family, sailing, wing foiling, windsurfing, kitesurfing, diving, hiking.