Is there a way to make it so the columns in my feature layers and tables are NOT automatically sorted alphabetically?
Do I really have to now open up the Classic Map Viewer because the new one is seemingly broken, reorder all of the columns for each layer (over 10 layers, up to 60 fields a layer) by configuring popups for a second time? Please tell me I am missing something obvious.
I get sorting rows, but I cannot fathom changing the order of my fields/columns by default. Tables are made logically. Take a customer list for example. Customer ID, name, number, address, email . . . why would I want to display the address first? How is that the default, especially when there is no easy way to change it?
I spent a good portion yesterday resorting my columns by configuring pop-ups. It seems that work has been reverted due to some update this week.
Now it looks as if my popups and attribute tables are configured correctly, at least in the current Map Viewer. However, in the web application the attribute tables display my fields alphabetically.
My next troubleshoot is to open the map in the Classic are see what it is looking like there. But of course that will break all of my layer groups which is another unfun waste of time.
Why not use the attribute table to control the pop-ups? Also why is the default not simply using original table order for both automatically? Especially when the only option is to go back and undo all of the damage done by hand.