I added 5 new domains to a feature layer in AGOL and then updated the symbology. I opened the feature layer using the visualization tab and saved the layer. I also opened the Web Map that I am using the layer in, the legend looks great. I saved the Web Map. When I open the Web Map and hit the Edit button, the template the pops up shows all of the domains added. When I open the application that this web map is used in, the legend looks perfect. It is only when I hit the Smart Editor widget and the template pops up to add new points do the new domains not show up in the template. Even in Pro if I pull this layer in through the Portal, the legend and the template there look great. How can I get the new items to show up in the Smart Editor widget template? Thanks for any help.
Thank you for sharing your question.
The Smart Editor widget will display the templates as they were published with your service. Changes made to the symbology directly into the web map (including labels) may not be reflected in the template picker in Smart Editor as you've described.
You will need to save the symbology changes against the layer or change the symbology directly in the visualization tab before adding it to your web map.
Please review the reply provided here for more details on doing this: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-web-appbuilder-questions/does-symbology-derived-from-an-arcade-...
Hi @AlixVezina , we're still on Enterprise 10.9.1 and I'm finding the feature template wiped out once we added new domains and refreshed the feature template as configured on the data layer (Visualization tab). Any tips on where else I can fix this? I see it the same in Edit and Smart Editor widgets.
Visualization on data layer:
Same in the map viewer:
Thanks for the reply! I wish. It's still blank when I hit Manage, and when I try and add new type of feature I see undefined. My symbols are using an arcade expression since that is the only way I was able to symbolize based on two attributes, which worked fine on initial publish but I guess now that I've edited it, I can't use it again?
Hi @BrittanyBurson ,
Apologies for the delayed reply.
I can see that too when I use an expression to define a layer's symbology on Map Viewer Classic. I believe feature templates don't support the arcade expression in MV Classic and as of 10.9.1. The only workaround I can see right now is to change the symbology to use a single attribute or location only...
I also don't think this will get fixed in MV Classic as we're now moved to the New Map Viewer in more recent versions of Enterprise.
You're welcome to log an issue with Esri Technical Support if you would like for this to be further investigated.