I encountered something and wanted to know how it behaves because I wanted to implement the same.
I found two webservices from another organization
what I noticed is
1. I can use both webservices to create basemaps for my organization
2. When I use the second one as the basemap, I can't print but the first one allows print
How is this implemented?
When you click on the second link is it a secure service that requires you to login?
That's the intriguing part, both the webservices are open and no prompt of password is required.
The offending service has "Export Map" as one of it's supported operations
So based on that you want to uncheck Map in the Service Editor > Capabilities > Mapping > Operations allowed: Map
Hi Robert
Thanks for that but didn't quite understand. What I meant to say is the service
has "Export Map" as an option, but if I use it as my basemap I can't export it
OK, so most baseman’s are cached/tiled services so they do not have a need for export map feature
if you give me your email, I can pass the urls for you to examine
Follow me in GeoNet then you can send me the url in a private message.
Hi Joseph,
Is your basemap a local map service and you are using the arcgis online print service? If this is the case, the ArcGIS Online print service may not be able to access the your map service.
If you and Robert figured this out, can you post the result?
HI Kelly
Bringing up my latest findings. I am forced to reframe the question
There is this <organization1> which has two basemaps
*Both of them have "Export map" as a supported operation.
*All users in <orgnaization1> can use and export the basemaps
Now I am in <organization2>
* I can use both basemaps for viewing
* I can't use the second webservice to export map
What is needed to disable export but allow viewing to external users?
How's your infrastructure skills under your belt Kelly?