Map legend only showing "csv" in web app template

07-29-2011 09:47 AM
New Contributor
I have 5 layers - all imported from CSV files. I've edited the names of the layers. But the map legend appears differently depending on the viewer:

ArcGIS Online Viewer - map legend correctly displays correct layer name for symbol
ArcGIS Explorer Online - map legend displays correct name and the label "csv" twice for each symbol
Chrome Two Panel template - map legend displays only the label "csv" for each symbol, correct layer name not displayed at all

How do I fix this?
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6 Replies
New Contributor
I am having the same problem and also looking for a solution.
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New Contributor
I have also lost "change symbols" editing capability for some layers. Yesterday I added some and can change those, but the others do not give me the option in the contents area.
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Esri Notable Contributor
There is an error in the Chrome Two Panel Template. We'll need to fix that. I assume Explorer Online has a similar issue. I'll let them know.


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Esri Notable Contributor
This error will be fixed in the next update to the website.  If you need to access the map template, here's an updated version with the fix to the legend.


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New Contributor
Thank you, Mike. New template works just fine. For now I'm accustomed to the workaround with the Chrome one-panel template I did (putting a static legend in the description) just to get the thing out last week - gives more space to map area. Once I get more familiar with the templates -- and now that bug is fixed -- I'll probably find a way to accomplish both a dynamic legend and short description on left side.

Do you have rough timeframe for next update to ArcGIS Explorer Online?

Thanks again for quick fix.
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Esri Notable Contributor
The next update to and Explorer Online will most likely happen within a week. This issue is addressed for both.


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