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Is there a tool to allow public creation of polygons on a web-app?

01-23-2024 08:48 AM
Emerging Contributor

We are designing a web-app for a community build out analysis and we want to get the public involved as part of the decision making process. The idea is to allow them to draw their own polygons for where they think the town should create new residential developments or redevelop existing dwellings, and then have them saved so we can look at them later and see what areas they repeatedly focus on. However, I'm not sure if any of the prepackaged widgets will perform this task for us?

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Any of the editor widgets in WAB or ExB allow for this so long as you properly setup and configure your Hosted Feature Layer in agol. 

However, depending on the features and functionality you want/need I would suggest the configurable Crowdsource Reporter app. Not going to lie, its configuration is time intensive, but it is made specifically for what it sounds to me like your goals are here.



You must host a feature layer in AGOL and enable both public data collection as well as anonymous editing for user without an AGOL account. 

Esri Contributor

In addition to the options above, you could set up an app for public editing using one of the Instant Apps templates that allow editing, such as Sidebar, or even use Survey123 depending on your needs.