I've been trying to upload FEMA's flood hazard data into ArcGIS Online as a Hosted Feature Layer. The data is a File Geodatabase, so I've zipped all the files within the .gdb and then I upload that .zip as a Hosted Feature Layer. It uploads but then comes up with a pop-up that simply says "An error has occurred."
The hosted layer is there in My Content, but when I try to add it to a map it doesn't load onto there and says there's an error drawing it onto the map.
I have tried uploading the zipfile that was downloaded directly from FEMA ("NFHL_36_20201229" in the attached photo), and also opening up the .gdb folder within the .zip ("NFHL_36_20201229.gdb" in the attached photo) and selecting everything inside and zipping that.
Am I doing something wrong with zipping the .gdb files? Or could this be another issue?
Looking at the screenshots is a little confusing. I would try the following:
Thanks for your tips! It ended up working after I redownloaded and just uploaded the zipfile.