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End user training for Map Viewer

10-23-2023 04:01 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am planning to encourage my 100 or so AGOL users to "New" Map Viewer from classic.  There doesn't seem to be much recent content in the ESRI Academy at

Am I looking in the wrong place?  Is there some straightforward / not complicated training I can share with my users to help them move from Classic to New map viewer?

ESRI - is there any imminent free / maintenance user level training about to be released that will help my occasional / non-GIS expert users make the most of their AGOL subscription?


4 Replies
New Contributor II

Dear Michael Kraus,

This does not directly answer your question but may still be of relevance.

Have you considered using Microsoft Clipchamp.

Here is the link: Quick and easy video editor | Clipchamp

Microsoft Clipchamp enables you to easily record what is happening on your screen and export it to a video.

The software has a very modern interface and there is a text-to-speech tool so that you can audially convey instructions to the viewer. The voices are increasingly sounding more-and-more natural.

I hope that this information may provide a little bit of assistance for you, but please consider if it is right for you or not.

Yours sincerely.

James Blythe.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Michael,

One place you can explore aside from Esri Academy is you can find some good targeted tutorials. Here's one you may find of interest:

Create maps in Map Viewer (

Some of my colleagues here at Esri Canada have created some instructional videos you might find useful

Alternatively, this 1 hour video from Esri is pretty good

Hope these help.


Occasional Contributor

Thanks Jonathan - the videos at should be useful in this case.

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Occasional Contributor

The best I found at this point is this 7 minute YouTube clip from GeoMarvel.

This is what I am sharing with my users for the time being.  It is not the latest, so misses out on the Analysis options.  I would hope / expect that ESRI will put something on the ESRI Academy sometime?

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