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Each data in one sewer line

01-15-2025 09:35 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm new at the job and arcgis online version. I am trying to figure out how to add each data into one sewer line from one manhole to another manhole that shares the same sewer line. There are 19 data due to a lot of defects in that manhole to another manhole. Also, how can I get the sewer line to flash on the map when tapping the Pipe ID from the table in dashboard. Thanks in advance. 

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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Would you be able to provide an example of what you're trying to achieve? Like are you wanting the upstream and downstream manhole in the sewer line attribute data?

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Emerging Contributor

I want the sewer line from manhole 9 to manhole 10 to flash as showed on image when I click it on the data table. And with there being a lot of defects, I'm wondering if there's a way to have small dots from the data to be on the sewer line. 

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MVP Regular Contributor

For the flashing capability, I'm not sure if there is a way to make it flash straight from the table itself. I'm not seeing a way to do that when looking at it. However, an alternative method could be adding a "List" widget. It will require a little bit of extra configuration to make it look like a table, but you can configure it so when you select it, it will flash in the map.


Regarding the defect data, I think your best bet for it is to turn that table into a related table. That way, when someone clicks on the pipe, it will give them an option to show all of the related records associated with it. In this case, it would be your defects. That way, you won't have two tables that are not associated with each other, even though logically, they are.

Edit: Another alternative would be to create an Experience Builder app. It will give you a LOT more flexibility as far as what you can create and do, but it has a much steeper learning curve.

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Emerging Contributor

I have the flash tab on in the map view setting, however, in the table setting, there is no flash tab option. 

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