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Changing Hosted Feature Layer Extent

10-11-2022 12:42 PM
Regular Contributor

I have a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online consisting of 4 layers. One has data, the other three do not. If I add this layer to a map in ArcGIS Pro, the default extent is the entire world. I would like the default extent to match the layer that does have data.

Using the visualization tab and updating the home extent does not work. I also tried to update the extent values in the REST Directory through the Admin tab, but even though I am able to save the layer definition, the extent values do not actually change. Note, that I am updating the lastEditDate as mentioned here. Error: Unable to update feature service layer definition. Invalid definition for 'lastEditDate' (esr...


Is there no way to change the default extent stored in a hosted feature layer?

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