Support for Attribute rules in ArcGIS Online

07-15-2019 03:27 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

At pro 2.4 ESRI implemented attributes rules at the file Geodatabase Level which is great.

It means that when you copy or move the file geodatabase, you copy or move the rules.

So if you upload this fgdb to AGOL, the rules are uploaded within the fgbd. 

Attribute rules are « able to travel » to AGOL.


At the moment these rules are not interpreted or implemented at the AGOL level.

The idea here is to have the rules interpreted and implemented in AGOL when publishing feature services from a rules enabled fgdb.

It would be great to have attributes rules fully implemented in ArcGIS Online.

This would allow users to have their own QC and field calculation in hosted feature layers and web apps !

(edited 2020-07-24 to improve this description)


Thanks @KellyGerrow

We have scenarios where two fields could be related but we can only do QA in batches:

Entering Common Name and Scientific Name for a tree, and syncing the correct partner when one changes.   Domains can help but both the stored and display values can't be simply exported or given to a view.

Entering or updating a diameter measurement for a tree (DBH), there is a standard DBH * 1.333 calc that needs to travel with that record to be able to render the root zone ring for that tree.

To simplify symbol use, it is nice to be able to check off variants of a single category, but then have a score stored that shows how many of these were chosen.    Then we can point to one field to make rendering choices.   Ex:   Marking an asset a high priority due to any number of factors like damage level and/or rarity and/or number of tickets pointing to it.

Thanks again, looking forward to this feature.



@KellyGerrow , thank you.

Here's one example. For trees we have polygons around them that 'group' these trees. These are used to monitor the number of specific caterpillars in those trees. However, we don't want the polygons to contain too many trees so counting is easy and the polygons are representative for the situation. Therefore, end users edit the polygons. They would like to see the new number of trees right away. Without having to click on the polygon and check the number of trees in the pop-up.

So, it would be great to count the number of trees and show it directly through the symbology.


We have a cumbersome data entry workflow (currently in a file gdb) that would benefit from attribute rules and ArcGIS Online. I'm faced with the decision to either move to ArcGIS Online, or implement attribute rules at the file gdb level. Wish I didn't have to choose! 


Any update on this?


This would be really nice to have.

Attribute rules for AGO would be remarkably helpful for our work - just to at least have something that automatically calculates an area value in whatever units once its drawn and submitted through a web map.

We're a small organization in a rural community with limited personnel, and limited availability for on-site server resources - so having ArcGIS Online as a Cloud service for our data is really handy.


I just wanted to comment my support for this feature. It would be incredibly helpful. 


by Anonymous User

I desperately need this idea to be implemented as well. We have a project that involves passing the value from the ObjectID field to a ServiceCardID field of a field collected feature layer. This would also streamline data collection anytime a field is based on a feature's location. One example we are currently working on would be, "What pressure zone is this water service in?" Now this could be done in post-processing but the less manipulation we have to do to the raw data, the better. And attribute rules in ArcGIS online would be a massive step up for data collection.


@Anonymous User 

Have you considered connecting Fieldmaps to Survey123 using url parameters?  I have a few projects that leverage both so I can take advantage of the Smart forms in survey123.  Granted attribute rules would be simpler but it's a decent work around. Are your crews always connected to the internet when they are out in the field or are they operating offline most of the time? 


Any updates on when this will be implemented?


@KellyGerrow, does the upcoming beta for calculated fields in smart forms signal that this feature might be on a similar timeline?   Thank you for any clues...