Support for Attribute rules in ArcGIS Online

07-15-2019 03:27 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

At pro 2.4 ESRI implemented attributes rules at the file Geodatabase Level which is great.

It means that when you copy or move the file geodatabase, you copy or move the rules.

So if you upload this fgdb to AGOL, the rules are uploaded within the fgbd. 

Attribute rules are « able to travel » to AGOL.


At the moment these rules are not interpreted or implemented at the AGOL level.

The idea here is to have the rules interpreted and implemented in AGOL when publishing feature services from a rules enabled fgdb.

It would be great to have attributes rules fully implemented in ArcGIS Online.

This would allow users to have their own QC and field calculation in hosted feature layers and web apps !

(edited 2020-07-24 to improve this description)


I think this would be a great feature to have. Additionally, I would like it to extend into Field Maps. It would be amazing to have the features my workers create in the field automatically populate with the area or length. Right now we have to use the measure tool and then input that manually into the Field Maps form for that feature. 


This was an idea in 2019 supported by a large amount of the esri users community. The fact that it is not even acknowledged is extremely disappointing and a pretty good indicator that esri does not listen to it's customers. Please provide an update as to when this is being made available.


This is also a critical requirement for us.

We use it to autogenerate a unique identifier from a database sequence.

We also use it to enforce data validity rules e.g. an inspection date can not occur in the future.


But please don't just "solve this in enterprise", please solve it at the REST service tier, that way no matter how the data is interacted with, the integrity is preserved.


I'd swear I read somewhere that if you publish the .gdb with the layer and the table, all as a weblayer it would work. Fact is I did all of that and it didn't. 

There's a new breed of GIS consumers out there that only work in AGOL, no desktop capabilities. They needs this.


While this won't provide all the functionality of attribute rules the announcements at the recent dev summit around contingent and dependent attribute values when editing might fit the needs of some of the users following this thread.  Not excusing the lack of response from ESRI but worth checking out if you've not seen it already. 


Related: Search for the word “Arcade” in this page: (multiple instances)
Your Ideas in the December 2021 ArcGIS Online Update

Also, see the Arcade developer profile docs: Form Calculation (since Arcade version 1.17)


Regarding @AndrewE  and @ZacharyHart ’s 2021 discussion about this blurb: 

Near the bottom of the article published on Jan. 3 2021about smart forms and the new field maps app.

Attribute rules – are user-defined rules that can be used to automatically populate attributes, restrict invalid edits, and perform quality assurance checks on existing features when they are submitted. Attribute rules are coming to hosted feature services and to forms so that you can execute business logic in your form connected or offline. 

I wonder why they used the term “hosted feature services”; they didn’t directly mention AGOL. Are hosted feature services strictly an AGOL thing? Or could that mean something different?




Hosted feature services also exist in ArcGIS Enterprise/Portal


Any update on this? My non GIS specialist end users could really benefit from the attribute rules I define to maintain their data integrity.

In my scenario,  I want my end users to be able to work with related tables. I have features that have 'sources' in a separate table (1:M). I want them to be able to grab the UID from the feature, and plug it into a new row in the 'sources' table to make the relationship connection.

I had set up database sequences and attribute rules in my local GDB so that anytime a feature is created, a new UID is created along with it. When I access the data from arcgis online in my arcgis pro portal, the DB sequences are no longer there and the attribute rules do not apply. My UID's no longer populate automatically.

In an ideal world, the database sequence would be interpreted at AGOL level and my end users could grab that UID to copy into the sources table. Until this is implemented, the risk of them creating a duplicate unique ID will remain an issue, which is untenable.  Very keen to learn if this idea is gaining the support it needs for AGOL!
