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Build network dataset failed

06-24-2013 09:47 AM
Emerging Contributor
My road network was previously in Shapefile format and the editing/building of the network used to work fine.   I have now converted it to a featureclass in a file geoDB.   I was able to create the Network dataset using these features, however when I need to edit the data, such as adding a new road, or fixing a broken road segment I am unable to rebuild the network.   I get the error "Build network dataset failed.  The logical network is of an older version and does not support the requested functionality.

Is there no longer a need to rebuild a network after editing in .gdb format?

Thanks for any comments or assistance you can provide,

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14 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Can you check if you have enabled turns in your network dataset? If no, then can you set it to yes when you create the network and then try your edit/rebuild scenario and see if that message goes away?
Jay Sandhu
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New Contributor


I am getting the same error. I tried it in GeoDatabase and FileDatabase. I already enabled turns in the network dataset and Hard disk has more than 13 GB space left.


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Esri Regular Contributor


can you post some more details on the size of your network dataset, and is your TEMP folder in the same place with the free 13 GB disk space.

Jay Sandhu

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Regular Contributor

Hi Jay,

I am having the same problem with my network dataset failing to build.  I searched my C drive and there are a few Temp folders.  Would it be this one?  --> C:\Windows\Temp  ?   If so, my C drive has 47 GB of free space.  Can you please give me guidance on how to get my dataset to build?  My network dataset is 832 MB (roads for all of the PNW).   

thanks so much


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Esri Regular Contributor

The Build Network leaves a log file. You can open it in Notepad and see what messages are in there. The file is usually created in a temporary folder inside the system temp folder. To get to the system temp, in an explorer window, navigate to %TEMP%  this is usually c:\users\<user name>\AppData\Temp and then search for a recent folder perhaps starting with the word arc and look for a build.txt file.

Jay Sandhu

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Regular Contributor

Hi Jay,

I looked in C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Users\Natalie\AppData\Local\Temp and there is no recent folder or text file associated with esri or build.txt. I also searched my C drive for build.txt and nothing came up.   Is there a way to specify in ArcCatalog where it will put the log file? 

thank you,


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Esri Regular Contributor

You can specify the location of the TEMP but not where to put the log file. I suggest that you start the build network and then while it is running, open the arc folder while it is still running. These folders are normally deleted when you exit ArcCatalog app.

Jay Sandhu

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Regular Contributor

I apologize for being dense when it comes to this background computing stuff, but I don't know which arc folder you are referring to.  Can you please be a little more specific?

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Esri Regular Contributor

"navigate to %TEMP%  this is usually c:\users\<user name>\AppData\Temp and then search for a recent folder perhaps starting with the word ARC and look for a build.txt file"


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