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Need Assistance - First Time User

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05-20-2015 03:08 PM
Deactivated User

Hello all,

I apologize for the basic nature of this question.

I am unable to call tech support and my boss gave me this program today to use for the first time, with a deadline of tomorrow for a zoning issue project.

I have several Excel spreadsheets with names and addresses in them. One is for retail stores, one for residential, etc.

I need to figure out how to create a map of my city, and plot each point (300+) on the map, with a radius around each one. This needs to be fairly accurate to within a few feet (not sure if this is something my boss just wants or if it's even possible)

How do I do that with this program. I have searched online, but am at a loss.

Any information would be much appreciated.

1 Solution

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Frequent Contributor

You have an excel document with lat long coordinates or addresses?  I could set up a team viewer meeting and show you how to do it.  You will have to follow me so I can message you.


Edit:  To explain what we did, I brought in the table of lat/long coordinates into ArcMap, right clicked and selected Display XY Data.  Once the window opened, I made sure Long was X and Lat was Y.  I set the coordinate system to GCS_WGS84.  This created a temporary file.  I right clicked on it, Export, Export Data, Exported all features to a feature class (must do this to create ObjectID field for further use).  The next step was to create buffers.  I selected Geoprocessing, and Buffer.  Applied a 1000 ft distance and set the output to the same geodatabase as the point file.

View solution in original post

43 Replies
Honored Contributor

You will need to geocode the addresses, first. There are a myriad of ways to do this, such as using Esri services:

Geocoding and Place Search | ArcGIS for Developers

I am unsure of your programming abilities, but you can call APIs directly to geocode the points - Esri has a batch service as well:


Since you are in a pinch, and are probably looking for something free, I would check out Texas A&M - they have a geocoding services department that allows you to upload a spreadsheet to geocode up to 2500 records for free:

Free online database geocoding services from Texas A&M Geoservices

Just a word of caution, the Texas A&M points will probably not be as accurate as Esri's service... From personal experience.

Once you get the points, you will need to add them to ArcMap - someone created a YouTube video for that:

How to Create a Shapefile from a Table of Lat Long Coordinates in ArcMap 10 - YouTube

Deactivated User

Thank you so much. Was trying to Geocode the addresses but not having luck, will try the links you gave me.

Thanks, I'll respond again if (when) I have more questions.

Deactivated User

So, I made an excel sheet with two columns - one latitude and one longitude. saved as a .csv. added it to arcmaps, and then right-clicked to display XY Data....none of my points show up when I do that. 😕

Also, how would I go about giving these points "names" that display on the map, assuming I can get them to show up?

Honored Contributor

Make sure you have the lat/long columns correctly identified and not flipped - if everything is good, the import should automatically find the appropriate columns, and your points will show after you add to ArcMap. You can then right click the event layer and export as a shapefile (.shp).

As far as getting lat/long correctly identified, I'm not sure if the output you received labelled the lat/long columns as x/y, but just remember that latitude is y, and longitude is x (it seems counterintuitive until you stop to visualize). Another thing to ensure as I'm not sure if the video showed this, you'll need to assign a coordinate system/projection when you import. I would search for something like "wgs84" and choose that from the world coordinate system folder.

For labels, here's another video someone made showing how to do this:

How to Label Features in ArcMap 10 - YouTube

You'll just need to make sure your x,y csv file has the name field you want to display.

MVP Emeritus

Also, make sure you are specifying the coordinate system

I'm assuming they are WGS84 if geocoded from ArcGIS Online or similar.

as for labeling near the point, make sure there is a column with some identifying name.  Ones you make you Display XY event, you will want to save it to (right click and Export).  To save it as a shapefile, call the file  Mypoints.shp or if ou have a file geodatabase (fgdb -  my preference), you can do similar to this where temp.gdb is the name of my fgdb.

To label the points, right click on the new layers so you can select the properties, and in the Label tab

Sorry this isn't pretty, but I know you are in a rush.

Once you buffer your points, if the unique name does come over to the buffers so you can use that for labeling, you can use a join between the two (since there should at least be a common field, or use the joinitem (to permanently attache the attribute from the point file to the buffer.  Then you can use labeling on the buffer file.

I hope this helps.  we've all been there on learning and having rush jobs.  good luck.

edit: looks like Chris already responded and has the same info.

Deactivated User

This isn't a helpful comment, but your boss seems like a bit of an a-hole. Once you get your addresses geocoded, and you have created a shapefile of points, you can use the buffer tool to make radius around each one. Luckily this part is very easy and fast: ArcGIS Help 10.1

Honored Contributor

Ah, I totally overlooked she needed buffers around the points!


You will probably want to adjust the symbology of the buffer output to something with a bit of transparency, or maybe no fill at all. Here's some info on how to do that:

ArcGIS Help 10.1  - Transparency

You can also change the color and other symbol attributes:

ArcGIS Help 10.1 - Symbology

The video tutorial looks like it shows how to pull in an Esri basemap service - hopefully this will be a good background to show your area of interest. You can also adjust how the map looks before printing/exporting:

ArcGIS Help 10.1  - Page Layouts

Deactivated User

When I just put a pin on the map, I'm able to get the radius to show up fine, I just can't seem to import my addresses.

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

You have an excel document with lat long coordinates or addresses?  I could set up a team viewer meeting and show you how to do it.  You will have to follow me so I can message you.


Edit:  To explain what we did, I brought in the table of lat/long coordinates into ArcMap, right clicked and selected Display XY Data.  Once the window opened, I made sure Long was X and Lat was Y.  I set the coordinate system to GCS_WGS84.  This created a temporary file.  I right clicked on it, Export, Export Data, Exported all features to a feature class (must do this to create ObjectID field for further use).  The next step was to create buffers.  I selected Geoprocessing, and Buffer.  Applied a 1000 ft distance and set the output to the same geodatabase as the point file.