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Need Assistance - First Time User

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05-20-2015 03:08 PM
Deactivated User

Hello all,

I apologize for the basic nature of this question.

I am unable to call tech support and my boss gave me this program today to use for the first time, with a deadline of tomorrow for a zoning issue project.

I have several Excel spreadsheets with names and addresses in them. One is for retail stores, one for residential, etc.

I need to figure out how to create a map of my city, and plot each point (300+) on the map, with a radius around each one. This needs to be fairly accurate to within a few feet (not sure if this is something my boss just wants or if it's even possible)

How do I do that with this program. I have searched online, but am at a loss.

Any information would be much appreciated.

43 Replies
Deactivated User

Have you come across any especially good tutorials?

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

ESRI training is always a good bet, and they have many free online classes. Check out the classes listed here: Esri Training.

I would start with Getting Started w/ ArcMAP, Basics of Coordinate Systems, Using ArcMap.

MVP Emeritus

Also check out ​Esri Video | Videos Covering GIS Events, Products, People, & Topics   for short (usually about an hour) video tech sessions, webinars etc on just about any topic and skill level.  All free.

Frequent Contributor

This isn't really a tutorial but just for reading.  The  GIS Wiki page has all you need to know about GIS.
