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Clip NWI data

05-23-2024 11:49 AM
New Contributor

I am trying to clip national wetlands inventory layer I added from living atlas. There are two  layers I see one is USA wetlands feature layer and the other is USA wetlands. I tried clipping both layers and they both failed. How do I go about clipping either of these layers? 

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Hi Ashley,

If you're going to be clipping, analyzing, re-symbolizing, etc., the layer you want is the USA Wetlands feature layer, not the imagery layer. 


When you add it to your map, it will add a layer group containing a layer and a table. The layer is what you want to use as the Input Features for the Clip or Pairwise Clip tool.



I just ran it and it clipped the layer as expected, so I'm hoping it will work for you too. Good luck!


- Holly
New Contributor

I just tried to pairwise clip it and it failed. Here is a screenshot of the error message. I am not sure what I did wrong.


-AshleyScreenshot 2024-05-23 183222.png

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Occasional Contributor III

Hmm... I don't have an immediate explanation, and those error messages aren't much help! Where are you trying to write your output? That warning sign next to the output feature class suggests that there's already a layer with that name (which shouldn't actually matter, because it should just overwrite it, but who knows). I would maybe try writing the output to a new file geodatabase on your local drive or even a shapefile just to try to isolate the problem. Sometimes an output location or file can be locked by Pro or by something else running on your network (another user accessing the same file geodatabase, a security scan, a backup or sync process, etc.).

- Holly
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